Looking for Light Industrial Talent in Barron, WI?

Integra Staff offers local, flexible, responsive staffing solutions.

We Deliver The Workforce That Powers Companies Throughout The Region

Integra Staff sources, vets, and delivers reliable, skilled talent for light industrial, skilled labor, manufacturing, and administrative roles in Barron, WI, and North Branch, MN. When you have staffing challenges, we have solutions.

Why Choose Integra?

  • Local Experts: Because we are locally owned and operated, we know the local talent market and understand the unique requirements of employers in the region. Best of all, you won’t get tangled in the red tape common in large national agencies.
  • Flexibility: Our business model is designed to be agile and responsive. We can quickly adapt to your changing needs with real-time solutions to your staffing needs.
  • Customization: No two businesses are alike; that’s why we make it easy to tailor our staffing solutions to meet the unique demands of your business.
  • Less Risk: Our temp-to-hire services enable you to try employees on the job, preventing bad hires. Payrolling services make Integra the employer of record, eliminating employment risks.

Connecting With Integra Staff Couldn’t Be Easier!

Just fill out the form below, and we’ll respond quickly to discuss a customized, flexible, and immediate solution for your business.

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